Wine Barrel

Cast in casks a bevy of beverages ages alike.

  • Type:Processing
  • Category:Winemaking & Brewing
  • Tier:1
  • Input queue size:8
  • Output queue size:8

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Provides 7 recipes

Conditioned Red Wine from Cloudy Base
Conditioned Red Wine from Cloudy Base
Winemaking And Brewing (15)
Conditioned Red Wine with Intense Flavor
Conditioned Red Wine with Intense Flavor
Winemaking And Brewing (35)
Conditioned Red Wine with Strong Body
Conditioned Red Wine with Strong Body
Winemaking And Brewing (25)
Conditioned Red Wine with Weak Undertones
Conditioned Red Wine with Weak Undertones
Winemaking And Brewing (5)
Conditioned White Wine from Cloudy Base
Conditioned White Wine from Cloudy Base
Winemaking And Brewing (25)

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