Leather Bands

A versatile leather crafting material.

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Product of 1 recipe

How to craft ?

Leatherworking (22)Unlock at level:9Leatherworking Table

Used in 51 recipes

Chapeau of the Sated
Chapeau of the Sated
Leatherworking (21)
Helmet of the Living Feast
Helmet of the Living Feast
Leatherworking (21)
Leather Jerkin of Life
Leather Jerkin of Life
Leatherworking (22)
Suede Leather Blacksmith Apron
Suede Leather Blacksmith Apron
Leatherworking (22)
Demoncaller's Engraved Axe
Demoncaller's Engraved Axe
Weapon Smithing (22)

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