Red Apple

Mother of all fruits.

  • Type:Food
  • Tier:2
  • Quality:Poor
  • Type:20
  • Cooldown:15m
  • Health RegenHealth Regen:0.2
  • Max HealthMax Health:16
  • Max StaminaMax Stamina:16

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Used in 7 recipes

Small Cider
Small Cider
Winemaking And Brewing (2)
Shire Gold
Shire Gold
Winemaking And Brewing (6)
Summer heat
Summer heat
Winemaking And Brewing (14)
Autumn Heat
Autumn Heat
Winemaking And Brewing (27)
Red Apple Distillation
Red Apple Distillation
Winemaking And Brewing (32)

Unlocks 4 recipes

Shire Gold
Shire Gold
Winemaking And Brewing (6)
Summer heat
Summer heat
Winemaking And Brewing (14)
Red Apple Distillation
Red Apple Distillation
Winemaking And Brewing (32)
Kerys Cider
Kerys Cider
Winemaking And Brewing (40)

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